Rue Lynn Galbraith
G & H Ancestry Search

Surname Project
This project will focus on one surname line and direct ancestors.
Charged hourly at the rate of $40.00 per hour, with a minimum of ten hours.
Includes printed report, pedigree charts, and documents in a binder.
May be split into 2 payments.
Most projects completed in 10 hours.

Four Generation Project (Plan A)
This project provides an in-depth research and analysis of your family tree back Four Generations on either your paternal or maternal surname line.
Includes a printed report, pedigree charts and family group records, and selected documents in a deluxe binder.
Charge is a flat fee of $1,500.00 and up to $25.00 in document fees.
May be split into 3 payments.
Most projects completed in 10-12 weeks.
Research beyond four generations may be added. Request additional pricing prior to project initiation.

Four Generation Project (Plan B)
This project provides in-depth research and analysis of your family tree back Four Generations on both the paternal and maternal surname lines.
Includes a printed report, pedigree charts and family group records, and selected documents in a deluxe binder.
A charge is a flat fee of $3,000.00 and up to $50.00 in document fees.
It may be split into 4 payments.
Most projects are completed in 12 - 14 weeks.
Research beyond four generations may be added. Request additional pricing prior to project initiation.

For the beginner who does not know where to start, and the lifelong genealogist who needs help with research analysis. Let me share my experience and knowledge with you.
Charge of 30.00 an hour.