Rue Lynn Galbraith
G & H Ancestry Search
Rue Lynn Galbraith
Principal Genealogist

Rue Lynn was reared in Blanding, a small rural town in Southeastern Utah. His interest in genealogy began as a child, as he sat on his mother’s lap looking over a large volume of family records. In his youth, he began to copy pedigree charts and family group records into his own Family History book, and he began monthly research trips to the old LDS Genealogy Library in Salt Lake City. At the age of fifteen, he was asked to be the Area Genealogy Youth Leader for his church - conducting lessons and speaking at genealogical seminars. His passion for genealogy and family history has continued to the present day. This quest has taken him from the Mormon Colonies in Mexico to the British Colonies of America.
As a professional Genealogist he has conducted research in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic States, researched Civil War military records, and delivered lectures on the different aspects of genealogy and Family History. Rue Lynn has taught genealogical classes with the OLLI program at USF.
Rue Lynn is a graduate of the College of the Royal Academy of Dance, London, England; his sub specialty was in Ballet History.
Rue Lynn is currently the President of the Brandon Area Genealogical and Historical Society, the Secretary of the Florida Genealogical Society and member of the Association of Professional Genealogists.